
Thousands of users
share their Love.

What is FDDB?

The Fulldome Database is the largest online community for people who are passionate about fulldome. This free database is for anyone to and contribute to!

Simply put, it's all in our motto:

Find, be Found and have Fun in Fulldome.


Non-members can browse all FDDB pages. Once you register (at no charge) you can view fulldome trailers and previews, submit content, upload productions, discover domes and planetariums, tag yourself in shows & projects and create a profile page with your bio, skills, productions and workplaces for others to discover.

Users can post, create connections and interact with:

  • News & Announcements
  • Fulldome Shows
  • Planetariums and Digital Domes
  • Organizations
  • Fulldome Festivals & Events
  • Resources & Opportunities

Our mission

We aim to create an exciting and friendly community to support, stimulate and pioneer the fulldome medium.

We aim to engage academics, artists, organizations, students and all dome-enthusiasts alike to freely contribute content to make this the largest user-created, expert-cultivated Fulldome Database and global resource. (Although we don’t support spamming or shameless self-advertising!)

We strongly believe that the more people become involved with fulldome, the bigger the ideas, the better the innovations and the more amazing the immersive storytelling experience will become.

Some day in the not too distant future you'll be able to go to a movie and the movie will be all around you. The movie will be over your head, it will be 360 degrees around you.
Steven Spielberg in TIME Magazine, 2006

FDDB in Numbers

17K +
per month
11K +
23K +
Show previews
watched yearly
200 +

Based on data up to Jun 2023

Business model

FDDB comes as a free service to users, planetariums and organizations. FDDB hosts sponsored ads to afford the maintenance of such a robust resource.


FDDB is committed to providing the world’s best coverage on fulldome shows, industry organizations, events and news. We welcome your contributions and criticisms of the site so please utilize this beauty and feel free to reach out to us!

FDDB.org – Fulldome Database was launched in November of a very special year, on a very inspirational palindromic day: 11 | 2 | ’11.