About me
Mike Phillips is Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at Plymouth University, the Director of Research at i-DAT.org and a Principal Supervisor for the Planetary Collegium.
His R&D orbits a portfolio of projects that explore the ubiquity of data ‘harvested’ from an instrumentalised world and its potential as a material for revealing things that lie outside our normal frames of reference – things so far away, so close, so massive, so small and so ad infinitum. For more information see the i-DAT web site at: http://www.i-dat.org.
Phillips is an active member of an international transdisciplinary community that engages with immersive, interactive and performative technologies. He manages the Fulldome Immersive Vision Theatre (www.i-dat.org/ivt/), a transdisciplinary instrument for manifesting (im)material and imaginary worlds and is a founding partner of FullDome UK (http://www.fulldome.org.uk/). He is co-editor of Ubiquity, The Journal of Pervasive Media http://www.ubiquityjournal.net/ and a member of the ISEA International Board (http://www.isea-web.org/)
He has secured a portfolio of national and international research funding, including: Arts Council England (GFA’s and National Portfolio Organisation status), NESTA, AHRC, EPSRC, British Council, EU (European Culture Programme, ESF, EU FP7), as well as significant industrial support and sponsorships. Phillips has an extensive PGR supervisory experience with 53 completions and currently 21 PhD students across i-DAT, CODEX, Roy Ascott’s Planetary Collegium, and 3D3.
My Organizations

i-DAT, Plymouth University
Based in
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Dome Theatre, Fulldome Producer