img poster fulldome show THE SPACE COLONY - A New Earth for Humanity

THE SPACE COLONY - A New Earth for Humanity

Discover a new Earth, floating in space: The Space Colony.

0 user reviews
Type: Feature show
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Release date: November 2021

Produced by: Altair LLC
Directed by:




100 years from now, perhaps even more…

…the day will come for humanity to leave the nest. In the latter half of the 20th century, humanity will begin to take on the challenge. Exploration of the moon, building the International Space Station, as well as humans on Mars – these were only the first steps towards independence.

At last, humanity will have a new home, built with their own hands and ingenuity. This is a new Earth, floating in space, The Space Colony.

With its growing population and quest for prosperity, the human race has begun to suffer the limits of our planet. What path should our future take us? A colony in space could be the answer, but let’s imagine in vivid detail, just what that would look like.

Living in space has been depicted in movies and tv for many, many years as people everywhere are excited at the thought of living in a new world. Many of life’s problems here on Earth would find solutions if we only realize this dream of building a new home.

Based on the concept of the O’Neil Cylinder, the presentation will give us a detailed glimpse into the future of life in space.

A film specially created for planetariums and full-dome theaters, a realistic and powerfully detailed visual dome theater projection, far beyond what can be experienced in normal movies or animation, we present The Space Colony.

This fulldomw show can be distributed according to the market price in your country and localize the narration your self.This applies to planetariums and distributors alike.

More than 10 planetariums have been shown in Japan and abroad.

Contact Us
KATO Osamu / Altair LLC (JAPAN)


You can get this show from:
Altair LLC

Show details

Shorter version runtime : not available
Full version runtime: 24 minutes
Suitable for: General audience
Target audience: 6 - 13, 14 - 18, Adults
License: Traditional license
Resource & materials: Poster

Technical specifications

Video format: Fulldome
Resolution: 4K
Frame rate: 30 fps
Show orientation: Unidirectional
Stereo 3D: None
Production technologies: CG
Audio format: Stereo, 5.1
Languages: English, Japanese

Production & Support

Produced by



Screened at 11 dome theaters and counting...


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