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FDUK 2023

Cardiff, United Kingdom
Fulldome festival

A celebration of fulldome as an artistic medium, featuring film screenings, talks, demos, workshops, live immersive performances and interactive artworks.


The UK’s premiere celebration of all things fulldome will be hosted in Wales for the first time at CULTVR Lab in October 2023.

FDUK 2023 will take place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of October and will feature the work of leading fulldome artists and producers from the UK and around the world. The event is a great opportunity to experience fulldome creativity in all its diversity, and to meet and learn from fellow immersive creatives.

FDUK 2023 will be a celebration of fulldome as an artistic medium, featuring film screenings, talks, demos, workshops, live immersive performances and interactive artworks. The festival has been running since 2010 so we are very pleased to welcome it to Wales for this edition. FDUK 2023 will provide an opportunity for national and international immersive practitioners to share their work, skills and experience with the wider community, and for creative and media professionals, students and anyone interested in immersive technologies and frameless media to network and learn from peers.

Event details

Organizer(s): Fulldome UK
Venue: CULTVR Lab
Address: 327 Penarth Road
Postal code: CF11 8TT
City: Cardiff
Country: United Kingdom
Continent: Europe

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