ARCAAN Collective
ARCAAN Collective is an association initiated by sound designer A. Briot and digital artist J. Oury to encourage parallel writing processes, image and sound.
The ARCAAN Collective (Aide et Recherche pour la Création Artistique Audiovisuelle Numérique) is an association under the 1901 law created in 2015, with the aim of promoting, supporting and stimulating research in the audiovisual and digital fields. I
nitiated by sound designer Antoine Briot and digital artist Jeremy Oury, ARCAAN particularly encourages parallel writing processes Image and Sound. Since its creation, the collective has been rewarded for its first mapping Irrelevant, winner of the FIMG 2015 amateur prize (Spain) and many others after that.
The synesthesia worked by the duo Jérémy Oury / Antoine Briot having been several times acclaimed for its immersive nature, ARCAAN quickly declined their minimalist and geometric universe in 270° / 360° installations and architectural mapping works. Since then, the collective’s productions have been regularly selected in various international festivals.
The research of creation focuses on a feeling of virtual movements and temporality specific to this projection mapping format and to disrupt the spectator perception of space. Each building becomes a visual and sound laboratory for the collective, conducive to the emergence of new artistic grammar.
People working at
ARCAAN Collective
Productions & Co-Productions