2nd Montsec Workshop for Planetarium Operators and Live-show Designers
The 2nd Montsec Workshop for Planetarium Operators and Live-show Designers workshop will take place from 15th to 19th of June 2015. The venue will be in Montsec Mountains (Lleida province, SPAIN). Montsec is one of the darkest regions in southern Europe and it has been certified as a Starlight Reserve. In the middle of this mountain range there is Parc Astronomic Montsec with its outreach center called Centre d’Observació de l’Universe (Universe Observing Center) equipped with The Eye of Montsec planetarium. This year the Eye of Montsec has installed a 3D active system so all the technical equipment is completely new.
This workshop is oriented to planetarium people related to creation and development of live shows in the dome, so the topics are strongly related with this field:
- Selecting a Hot Topic and preparing a good story
- Using default scripts from the system to do your own shows
- Preparing Scripts to manage your live shows
- 'On fly' live shows experiences
- Use of portable device to manage live planetarium shows
- Presenting skills in the planetarium
- Popular image formats and tools to work with
This workshop wants to be a sharing meeting when people can explain their projects combined with some key talks. So you are invited to propose contributions: live demos in our planetarium, talks around the different topics, etc. This Call is opened till 15th of May and you can submit your short abstract to the workshop official e-mail.
In this workshop we are doing live shows demostrations, brainstorming of new ideas or concepts for shows, discussions around the planetarium world and of course a social programme to discover the area (visits to interesting touristic sites, sports activities, g-astronomical events).
Hope to see you in Montsec!
More information on the Event Official Website .
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