Seamus Foley
Dome Tools for Unity in the Dome
Make Domemasters from your Unity builds for free with Dome Tools for At-Bristol Planetarium & Zubr VR. The best solution for interactivity in planetariums.
Oliver Helwig
Free Mini Show of the award winning fulldome music show LICHTMOND “Universe of Light”
A 5-minute Mini Show taken from the longer LICHTMOND: Universe of Light is being made available for free by Blu Phase Media and Hamburg Planetarium as an example of alternative content for domes. The main track feature is “Precious Life” by Alan Parsons. One of the best alternative content shows around. Please feel free to […]

Fulldome Database
Amateras Dome Player now available in English and with Mac support
Orihalcon Technologies, Inc. has just released Amateras Dome Player, a powerful and intuitive dome content player for Windows and Mac platforms. The player offers up to 3K dome master playback capability, Oculus Rift previewing, interactive flat content compositing, dome projection, theater control as well as other features. Any videos or photos taken with a circular […]

Markus Schaefer
Free Download: Lichtmond 5-min, 4K Fulldome Trailer
LICHTMOND – Universe Of Light, the audiovisual fulldome spectacular show has attracted more than 11.000 people at Planetarium Hamburg in it´s first 7 months. “Since the international version in 4K is now available in 2 lengths – 51 and 39 minutes – more and more planetariums value LICHTMOND as the perfect prime time entertainment program […]
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