Brno Observatory and Planetarium
To fly into space, look into the microworld, discover the secret of life. All of that, actually much more, can be found at the Brno Observatory and Planetarium.
To fly into space, look into the microworld, discover the secret of life, immerse yourself into the realm of fantasy, partially reveal the future and live a science-fiction story. All of that, actually much more, can be found at the Brno Observatory and Planetarium.
We are a centre for popularization of various sciences, especially in the field of inanimate nature. First of all, it is of course astronomy, but we do not avoid geology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography and a lot of other fields. All of that in a form which is understandable, entertaining and interactive. We are not a scientific workplace, but you can encounter science at every step. We are also engaged in promotion of Brno universities and big scientific projects carried out in the area of Brno.
Up-to-date premises of the Brno Observatory and Planetarium are an ideal place for medium size events of congress and incentive tourism, specialized events for sponsors and advertising or barter partners, cultural activities (theatre and musical performances) as well as a little more intimate meetings.
People working at
Brno Observatory and Planetarium
Productions & Co-Productions

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