11th Fulldome Festival Awardees & Finalists (2017)
The 11th edition of the FullDome Festival has ended with a bright Gala night and long-awaited award ceremony. Regardless of all the changes in the Festival proceedings and funding, the last day's schedule has remained pretty the same with granting Janus awards, money prizes and honorable mentions to the most outstanding fulldome productions in several categories.
Get acquainted with this year's team of jury members. It's in their capable hands to choose the fulldome productions worthy of traditional awards.
This time the Janus FullDome Awards have been presented to ten out of 84 FullDome Festival contributions eligible for awards. The 2017 Janus awardees were chosen by the FullDome Festival Directors, and donated by the Fulldome Festival Foundation.

The team of highly quallified jury members to name the best fulldome productions.
Photo credit: FullDome Festival
- JANUS Student Award: "Das Indianische Meisterstück" by Raphael Schardt (Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany) & "Circus of Anxiety" by Emily Briselden-Waters (Royal College of Art, London, UK)
- JANUS Award for Use of Innovative Production Technologies: "Melancholia: Faces of Emptiness" by Joanna Saleta (University of Silesia, Poland)
- JANUS Audio Award: "Experiment" by Kate Ledina (Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany)
- JANUS Emphasis on Emotion Award: "Nachtmahr" by Elia Hüneburg (Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany)
- JANUS Award for the best Fulldome Short Film: "Nachtmahr" by Elia Hüneburg (Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany)
- JANUS Directors Award: "After Cherenkov" by Masashige Iida (Honcho, Moriya, Japan)
- JANUS Directors Award: Hello Earth by Paulina Majda (Heavens of Copernicus Planetarium, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland)
- JANUS Directors Award: "Der Mond – Ein Marchen unter Sternen," by Robert Sawallisch (Zeiss-Planetarium Jena / Sternevent GmbH, Germany)
- JANUS Astro Award: Aurora: Lights of Wonder by O Chul Kwon (Metaspace, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Special Awards to the FullDome Festival Finalists
Of all student works the FullDome Festival Finalists have been selected by the jury in addition to the JANUS awarded contributions and have been shown at the FullDome Festival Gala.- "Blind World of Little Karl May" by Jingyi Li (Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany)
- "Dhyana" by Jordan Daher (Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, USA)
- "Periods of Space" by Thomas Hochwallner (Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria)
- "Space Elevator" by Shanshu Li and Sujing Lin (Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany)

The traditional Janus awards waiting for their happy winners.
Photo credit: FullDome Festival
FullDome Festival Honorable Mentions for outstanding and innovative productions
- Short film: "GWxAS_Meatwad_Fulldome" by Golden Wolf, London, UK
- Short film: "Orange Sky" by Ari Daniel and the Charles Hayden Planetarium, Boston, USA
- Feature film: Phantom of the Universe by Michael Barnett, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Feature film: "The Man from the 9 Dimensions" by Miraikan, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
- Feature film: The Secrets of Gravity – in the Footsteps of Albert Einstein by Peter Popp, Softmachine Immersive Productions, Munich, Germany
- Student work: "The Way of Water" by Robert Daniel, Freie Waldorfschule Gladbeck, Germany
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