Announcing the Award Winners of the 2024 Dome Fest West Film Festival

The Dome Fest West 2024 Film Festival has come to a close, and we are thrilled to announce the winners who showcased their exceptional talent and creativity in the world of immersive filmmaking. The festival featured a diverse range of genres and styles, reflecting the richness and innovation within the fulldome community.

Congratulations to all the winners:

  1. Best Artistic Feature Film: One Sky - Directed by Sebastien Gauthier
  2. Best Artistic Short Film: Eros - Directed by Daniel Talek Hambly
  3. Best Musical Feature Film: Sounds of the Ocean: A Mindful Underwater Journey - Directed by Joshua Sam Miller and Elise Lein
  4. Best Musical Short Film: Visual Eyes Presents 'Alone' - Directed by The Hawk and The Wolf
  5. Best Educational Film: Spark: The Universe in Us - Directed by Ryan Wyatt
  6. Best Science Film: Black Holes: unknown horizons - Directed by César González Arranz, Rodrigo González Peinado, and Telmo Fernández Castro
  7. Best Environmental Film: 4993 Feet Under - Directed by Ina Chen
  8. Best Children's Film: Little Major Tom - Directed by Peter Popp
  9. Best Narrative Film: The Earth Above: a deep time view of Australia's epic history - Directed by Ruwe Collective
  10. Best Live Experience: Cloud Bodies - Directed by Allison Moore
  11. Best Interactive Experience: Smart Swarm - Created by Kinetarium
  12. Juror's Choice Award: Antarctic Uruguay - Directed by Leo Scarone
  13. Innovation Icon Award: Recombination: The Fulldome Journey - Directed by Julius Horsthuis
  14. Audience Choice Award: Recoding Entropia - Directed by François Vautier
  15. Sphere of Light Award: Lullaby - Directed by Sergey Kozintsev

We also extend our congratulations to Allison Moore, the winner of the $5,000 Pitch Competition presented by Hubblo for her project "Under The Kelp Forest."

A special mention goes to IMERSA Director and fulldome pioneer Dan Neafus, who was honored with the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions to the industry.

Immersive filmmakers, take note of these exceptional creators who are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the fulldome medium. Their work serves as an inspiration for the entire community and sets the bar high for future productions.

As we wrap up an incredible Dome Fest West 2024, we want to thank all the participants for their contributions and passion. This festival has been a testament to the growth and evolution of immersive storytelling, and we can't wait to see what the future holds.

Mark your calendars for Dome Fest West 2025, taking place from May 1-4, 2025. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to be inspired once again by the best and brightest in the world of fulldome filmmaking.

Until then, keep creating, innovating, and pushing the limits of immersive storytelling. We look forward to seeing you again next year!

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