PowerPoint Fulldome Template by Andrew Hazelden

About the Software

The PowerPoint Dome Template provides a simple and effective way to create fulldome formatted presentations. The PowerPoint template comes with 14 "dome optimized" slide layouts. You can use the template file with Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Docs, and LibreOffice. The PowerPoint template file is a 2:1 aspect ratio document that covers a 360 degree x 90 degree field of view that the developer call a hemi-equirectangular formatted image. If your dome projection system allows you to display panoramic imagery directly, you can use the Powerpoint generated .PNG or .JPG slides without any extra image processing.


The 1.0 beta version of the PowerPoint dome template system (13.3 MB) and further instructions are available at Andrew Hazelden's website. The software is available as a free download. If you find the Dome template useful you are encouraged to consider a small donation to promote further development, and pay bandwidth costs. Powerpoint Dome Template for Fulldome Theaters - BIG

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