Mark Petersen
Nederland, USA
About me
My Organizations

Loch Ness Productions
Based in
Nederland, CO - USA, USA
Fulldome Distributor, Fulldome Producer, Fulldome Vendor
My Shows

Director, Soundtrack composer

Narrator, Soundtrack composer

Narrator, Soundtrack composer
Events I’ve been at
My News & Articles
Mark Petersen
WAYHA: now available from Loch Ness Productions
Wayha is an immersive music video collaboration by BOSA (Stephan Jacobs) and Axon Genesis (Stephen Walker), distributed by Loch Ness Productions.
Mark Petersen
FULLDOME OnDemand introduces 4K streaming
For those dome operators with the gear (and the bandwidth), FULLDOME OnDemand is now streaming selected 4K prewarped movies for spherical mirror systems!