Patrick Durrell
Job Opportunity: Planetarium Coordinator, Ward Beecher Planetarium
The Ward Beecher Planetarium is looking for a full-time planetarium coordinator to develop/present K-12 school programs and weekend public programs.
Kris McCall
Full Time Planetarium Educator @ Cernan Earth and Space Center
We are looking for a creative, passionate individual, educator, communicator, programmer, techie, able to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
Mike Shanahan
‘STEM Educator-Planetarium’ position open at Liberty Science Center
Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ is seeking a 'STEM Educator-Planetarium' for its Digistar-based planetarium, one of the largest in the world.
Kris McCall
Job Opportunity: Planetarium Educator (Assistant Director), Chicago
The Cernan Earth & Space Center at the Trinton College (Chicago, USA) is hiring a full-time Planetarium Educator (Assistant Director.)
Kris McCall
Job Opportunity: Planetarium Educator (Part-Time), Chicago
This part-time Planetarium Educator position could work as many as 28 hours/week. Same great opportunity as full time to contribute to a growing program.
Fulldome Database
Job Opportunity: Lead Planetarium Educator, U.S. Space & Rocket Center
The U.S. Space & Rocket Center is hiring a full-time lead planetarium educator – also known as planetarium presentation supervisor.
Fulldome Database
Planetarium Educator’s Workshop [1/9]: Communication – Video Seminar
This is the first 60-min part of a series of workshops about the significance and value of audience interaction with planetarium presenters.
Fulldome Database
Job Opportunity: Planetarium Educator at the Bell Museum
The Bell Planetarium (Minnesota, USA) is looking for a person to fulfill the position of Planetarium Educator.
Mike Shanahan
Job Opportunity: Liberty Science Center is seeking Two Planetarium Educators
Two full time Planetarium Educator positions are available in Liberty Science Center's newly-renovated 8K theater
Fulldome Database
Job Opportunity: Astronomy Education Coordinator @ the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
The CMNH seeks the Astronomy Education Coordinator for researching and coordinating production and presentation of planetarium and observatory programs.
Fulldome Database
Job Opportunity: Planetarium Educator at the Cernan Earth and Space Center
The Cernan Earth and Space Center of Triton College is seeking a Planetarium Educator for accurate and quality presentation of various planetarium programs.
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