Ryan Moore
Dome Fest West Announces New Dates for 2022 Event
Dome Fest West is excited to announce new dates for the 2022 in-person event. The festival will be pushed back a week to now take place October 6-9, 2022.

Dario Tiveron
LGBTQ+ Concerns for Proposed 2022 IPS Host Sites
Letter to the International Planetarium Society Council to call for an examination of proposed conference host sites from a safety and human rights perspective.

Fulldome Database
Mobile Planetarium as a Tool for Popularizing Science – 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference Diary
The Kursk mobile planetarium "Meteor Shower" comes to schools, summer camps and shopping malls to entertain children and popularize science, including astronomy.

Fulldome Database
Yekaterinburg Planetarium: New Marketing Strategies & Scientific Programs – 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference Diary
The Yekaterinburg digital planetarium (2014) presents innovative marketing strategies and shares ideas on how to popularize science with educational programs and lectures.

Fulldome Database
Altair Digital: VR and 360′ Video Trends – 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference Diary
Alexey Irkov from Altair Digital, LLC talks about VR technologies for showcasing and distributing fulldome content, and new trends in planetarium development.

Fulldome Database
Ursa Minor: Astronomical and Scientific Contest For Russian Students – 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference
Mikhail Gavrilov presents the 1st astronomical & scientific contest for pupils at the age of 11-13 years "Ursa Minor" at the 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference.

Fulldome Database
Storytelling in Latin America – 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference Diary
Cintia S. Peri from Planetario Ciudad de La Plata (Argentina) talks on fulldome storytelling and presents its 360' films at the 3rd Russian Planetarium Conference.

Fulldome Database
Countdown to the Russian Fulldome Festival and Planetarium Conference 2017
The 3rd Fulldome Festival "Reflections of the Universe" and Conference "Planetariums of the 21st century" are announced in Yaroslavl, Russia, for June 13-18, 2017.

Fulldome Database
IMERSA Summit 2017 – Call for Proposals and Fulldome Film Submissions
The 8th annual IMERSA Summit continues shaping the immersive arts industry with fulldome and VR film showcases, innovation sessions & networking sessions.

Fulldome Database
Pluto VR Experience, by Home Run Pictures: A Virtual Tour around Pluto
With the latest VR Experience "Destination: Pluto" produced by fulldome producer Home Run Pictures, viewers can go on an exciting tour around Pluto and follow in the footsteps of the New Horizons mission.

Fulldome Database
IMERSA 2016 Update: Call for Papers, Films & Early-Bird Discount
Join the IMERSA Summit (March 16-20, 2016) for the annual meeting of professionals in the immersive industry, featuring media presentations, business...

Pavel Karas
IPS Fulldome Festival Brno 2016
IPS Fulldome Festival Brno June 15–17, 2016 | IPS Conference Warsaw June 19–23, 2016 We are happy to invite you to the IPS Fulldome Festival Brno 2016. The festival is jointly organized by Brno Observatory and Planetarium, International Planetarium Society, Inc. and IPS Conference Warsaw 2016. Come to Brno and open a window to the […]

Fulldome Database
IPS 2016 Call for Abstracts is Open
IPS 2016 Team is pleased to announce the opening of the call for abstracts for the IPS 2016 Conference which will take place in Warsaw, Poland, June 19-24 and will be hosted by the Copernicus Science Centre. During IPS 2016 Conference the organizers intend to devote a large amount of attention to working under the dome. They will show interesting […]

Dario Tiveron
The Fulldome Festival “Reflections of the Universe” – The First of its Kind in Russia
The list of fulldome festivals, held in different corners of the world, is increasing every year. With the major fulldome festival being initiated in Jena almost 10 years ago, now there are more than 10 festivals around the globe. And all of them are very valuable since they gather fulldome enthusiasts under one roof and […]

Fulldome Database
Lifetime Achievement Award for Ian McLennan at IMERSA 2015
Long-time museum and planetarium consultant Ian McLennan has been named as IMERSA‘s 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award honoree. He will be feted at the upcoming IMERSA Summit February 25-March 1, 2015, the premier annual gathering of fulldome professionals. “Ian is one of the statesmen of our profession,” said Dan Neafus, IMERSA Host and manager of the […]

Fulldome Database
Report from the IPS-Macao International Fulldome Festival 2014
The International Planetarium Society, the Macao Science Center and the Beijing Planetarium jointly organized an event to promote the communication and cooperation among the international planetarians and dome show producers, the IPS-Macao International Fulldome Festival 2014 (IPS-MIFF 2014). The Festival was one of the pre-conference events of the IPS 2014 Conference, and was the first […]

Fulldome Database
[VIDEO] Fulldomia Trialogue: The business of quality
In this talk, Dan Neafus (IMERSA, Founding Director), Eduard Thomas (Mediendom Kiel, Director) and Carolyn Collins Petersen (Loch Ness Productions, CEO) share their thoughts about producing, judging and distributing fulldome shows. This talk was recorded on May 22th 2014, at the 8th Fulldome Festival in Jena.

Fulldome Database
Report from the 2014 Symposium in Lucerne
We recently attended the 2014 Symposium of Planetariums in Lucerne, Switzerland: a new event in the planetarium scene that brings together affiliates from three different associations: APLF, GDP and PLANit – the French, German and Italian planetarium associations respectively. The state-of-the-art Swiss Museum of Transport turned out to be a great location for the event: […]

Fulldome Database
2012 FullDome Festival Diary – Day 5
It’s Saturday, last day of the FullDome Festival. By now all attendees had had many German sausages and beers, had enjoyed the nice weather and had fun meeting other fulldome enthusiasts from all around the world. We started at eleven o’clock with Micky Remann introducing Dr. Heidi Kjär, from the University of Kiel. Dr. Kjär […]

Fulldome Database
2012 FullDome Festival Diary – Day 4
The last two days at the festival offered even more workshops than the days before. The first to take place was “Surround vision: from planetariums to homes – Different aspects of projection and layout”, by Ivo Haulsen from the Fraunhofer FIRST Institute in Berlin. Haulsen was invited as a speaker because of his clear explanations […]
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